Memorise these words, These words are repeatedly asked in exams.
Here is the Vocabulary words that will be helpful to an aspirant:-
- Abate– Collapse or lessen, make (something) less intense.
- Abdicate– Relinquish, Give up the powers (monarchs and royals).
- Apprise– To inform or notify, tell.
- Accede– Yielding to someone’s wish. Agree to a demand, request, or treaty.
- Amicable– Friendly, Cordial.
- Callous– Heartless or Uncaring, Cold-hearted.
- Celerity– Swiftness of movement, Speed.
- Debase– Degrade or Devalue.
- Debonair– Confident and stylish, Urbane
- Docile– Compliant or submissive, obedient.
- Deride– Ridicule, mock.
- Ebullient– cheerful and full of energy.
- Eccentric– Unconventional, freak.
- Elucidate– Explain, clarify.
- Evanescence– Vanish gradually from sight, Disappearance
- Fallacious– False or Incorrect, Flawed.
- Ferocious– Savage or cruel, fierce.
- Foible– Weakness, shortcoming, flaw.
- Grapple– Wrestle or struggle. Engage in a close fight without weapons.
- Halcyon– Serene or Pleasant or Calm.
- Hoodwink– Deceive or trick
- Hypercritical– Excessively critical
- Denizen– Inhabitant, native
- Innocuous– Innocent or Harmless
- Intrinsic– Inherent or essential
- Jeopardize– Endanger (someone/something)
- Judicious– Wise and sensible
- Juxtapose– Place something close together
- Capitulate– Surrender, make free.
- Knighthood– Title or rank
- Lampoon– Sarcasm or criticizing publicly
- Ludicrous– Unreasonable or Absurd
- Mawkish– Over-sentimental, Over-emotional.
- Mettle– Spirit or determination
- Mundane– lacking interest or excitement; dull.
- Nascent– Being born
- Bellicose– Hostile, demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
- Novice– Beginner or Learner
- Occult-mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena.
- Onus– Burden or responsibility
- Penury– Extreme poverty
- Pertinent– Relevant, apposite
- Petulant– Childishly Bad-tempered, Peevish
- Repentance– Sincere regret, Sorrow
- Reverent– Deep Respect, Feeling or showing deep and solemn respect.
- Scribble– Write or Draw (something) carelessly or hurriedly
- Solace– Consolation, comfort, relieve
- Uproot– Pull out, take out
- Verbose– Wordy, Talkative
- Abominable– Very hateful, Despicable