Course fee:- 900 rupees
Course validity:- Till RBI Grade B phase 2 exam 2025
Note:- You get whole modules just after payment. We keep updating Modules till exams. You get Adequate number of MCQs as well as per RBI Exam Paper Pattern. We compile Notes chapter wise and these notes very concise, updated and easy to go through. You get added to dedicated whatsapp group.
GKmojo Result (RBI Grade B)
A. Total 12+ selection in RBI Grade B Exam since 2015.
B. More than 700+ students so far with 50+ GA Marks in Phase 1 since 2015
C. More than 85 students with 75+ marks in Phase 2 ESI & FM since 2015.
Hello RBI Grade B Aspirants
ESI Paper Insights:
1) Equal weightage to Economics and social issues.
2) Economic and social issues paper of RBI Grade B Phase 2 is both objective & Descriptive paper.
3) There will be 30 questions and 50 marks for Objective questions (some questions carrying 2 marks each and some carrying 1 mark each). In the case of Descriptive questions, 6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions (2 of 15 marks each and 2 of 10 marks each). In case, candidate answers more than 4 questions in descriptive, the first 4 shall be evaluated.
Why Our Course?
1) Every year, In RBI Phase 2 ESI paper, Lots of questions come directly from our Notes and MCQs sets.
2) Our Material is updated, chapter wise and concise. You will get a feel of handwritten notes.
3) We compiled Topic wise MCQs sets.
4) We compiled our files according to previous year papers, referring multiple sources. So we give you best possible material. We have screened out relevant information from the books and magazines referred RBI. We guarantee our material would be like a bible for your preparation.
This course comprises:
1) 30 PDFs note ( PDFs are concise and updated and contain very well explained notes)
2) 500 MCQs on economic and social issues on latest pattern of the paper.
3) Dedicated Whatsapp group for Economic and social issues short notes sharing, updates etc.
Notes are topic wise as below:-
chapter 1: Economic Growth and Development
chapter 2: National income and per capita income
chapter 3: Sustainable Development
chapter 4: Economic reforms in India
chapter 5: poverty alleviation and Employment Generation
chapter 6: Monetary and Fiscal policy in India
chapter 7: Industrial and labour policy in India
chapter 8: Privatization
chapter 9: Balance of payment
chapter 10: Role of economic Planning
chapter 11: International economic institutions
chapter 12: Foreign Trade Policy
chapter 13: Political system in India
chapter 14: social movements
chapter 15: Human development
chapter 16: Gender issues in India
chapter 17: Urbanization and Migration
chapter 18: Demographic Trends
chapter 19: Globalization
chapter 20: Opening up Indian economy
chapter 21: Social structures in India
chapter 22: Multi-culturism
chapter 23: Social Justice
chapter 24: Positive Discrimination
chapter 25: Social sectors in India: Health and education
chapter 26: FDI
chapter 27: Government schemes
chapter 28: Economic survey and budget
chapter 29: Miscellaneous Notes on census 2011, Bills and acts, committees!!
chapter 30: Miscellaneous Notes 2 on other topics relevant to paper!!
You will get latest Economic survey, Budget, Reports and Rankings etc.
How to contact us:
For any query drop a mail to <[email protected]>
or ping or call at 8799234169.
Our website:
Our Facebook Page:
Important Notes: Material will be sent to you in PDFs through mail in LOTs!!
Material is updated, it is our 1st priority. You will get adequate number of MCQs.
You get added to whatsapp group for this course.
Rishabh Sinha: I cleared the rbi grade b thanks to your material. Thank youu.
(RBI Grade B selected student 2017)
Shefali Agrawal : Sir, cleared RBI Grade b exam. thanku thanku. Thanks alot for material.
keep up the gud work sir ( RBI Grade b 2017 selected student)
Ashish Ambade : Sir, I would like to inform you that i have cleared RBI grade b phase 2 and will attend interview. I thank you for providing me the notes which were very much helpful for me to reach up to the interview.
Tanya Sangama : I’m glad to inform you that I’ve cleared the Second round of RBI grade B exam. Thank you for your materials. Keep up the good work!!

Frequently asked Questions:
1. Is there any other medium of payment like direct paytm or google pay transfer?
Answer: Yes, Many students do that. You can ping us on these numbers 8799234169 / 9625199032. We will guide you how to make payment directly paytm or google pay.
2. Why we should join this course?, when there is so much free material or paid material available on internet or apps?
Answer: There are many reasons for joining our course:
A. What you read on internet or apps, may not be relevant to your exam. So you waste your time reading garbage and end up getting very less marks in exam. We provide you only relevant data. Our content is according to exam pattern only. so you only read what is asked in your exam. So we save your previous time and enhances your chances of getting selected.
B. Our content is concise, you only read our picked up points. While all books and other mediums are bulky and generic. We cover current happenings on social and economic news very well.
C. We add you to whatsapp group where we are with you 24*7 till your exam or may be till later for further assistance. We schedule and plan what to read, we take regular tests to check your progress. We tell you tricks to memorize stuff. We explain stuffs to you. We optimize your time.
4. What if I dont use whatsapp?
Answer: No worries, As You also get everything mail. Whatever we share on whatsapp is present in content that we mail you. All Modules, MCQs and Site access will be mailed to you.
5. After payment, How much time it takes to add in whatsapp group or send material mail?
Answer: Usually It takes 5-10 minutes. but If it takes little more than that then no worries, it will be done.