May 26, 2020 GKmojo

CAT 2025 LR & DI syllabus

In this section, 32 questions are included with 8-9 TITA based questions. All the 32 questions are equally divided among LR & DI. thus, each section comprises of 16 questions. 

Questions type for Data Interpretation:

  1. Tables
  2. Pie Chart
  3. Bar Graphs
  4. Venn Diagrams
  5. Caselets
  6. Column Graphs
  7. Other Types ( Calender, Clocks, Number Series etc)

Questions type for Logical Reasoning:

  1. Seating Arrangement
  2. Circular Arrangements
  3. Blood Relations
  4. Cubes
  5. Binary logic
  6. Logical Matching
  7. Logical Connectives
  8. Syllogisms
  9. Other Types (Tournaments, Mapping and best routes)

Tips for LR & DI:-

  1. The CAT data interpretation section should be attempted with cautiously as a single mistake can lead the candidates to attempt all the questions from a particular set incorrectly.

  2. Practise atleast 100 different sets each on DI and LR till your exam

  3.  Speed up your calculation for Data Interpretation questions.

  4. You can solve past years CAT Sets or Mocks sets.

  5. Choose sets wisely, Time is the factor in this section. So choose easy and doable sets first and leave tough one for enf if time permits.